Tabor 100 April General Membership Meeting
Below is the April Tabor 100 News Magazine.
The next Tabor 100 General Membership Meeting is this Saturday, April 30th, at 10:00 am. This meeting is in-person only.
AT this meeting You will meet:
Representative Noel Frame, 36th Legislative District. State Representative Noel Frame has served in the Washington State Legislature since January 2016. Representative Frame is the Chair of the House Finance Committee and serves as Co-Chair of the Tax Structure Work Group. She also serves as a member of the House Appropriations and Community & Economic Development Committees.
Representative Cindy Ryu, 32nd Legislative District, State Representative Cindy Ryu is serving her 6th term in the Washington State House of Representatives. Representative Ryu chairs the Community & Economic Development Committee, She also serves on Appropriations and Consumer Protection & Business committees.
You will hear from:
Tara Smith, Director, Washington State Department of Enterprise Services
Lisa van der Lugt, Director, Office of Minority & Women’s Business Enterprises
Earl Key, Director at Washington State Department of Transportation
Dr Karen Johnson, PhD, Director of the State Office of Equity will present on: Implementing the Washington State Pro-Equity Anti-Racism (PEAR) Plan & Playbook.